Critical Thinking Matters

Thoughtful Discussions of Contemporary Issues

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There are so many good videos providing alternatives to Tisby's narrative and agenda that we cannot list them all. Here are some that we have viewed and found to be particularly helpful.

John McWhorter:

John McWhorter Woke racism has betrayed black America
John's message is that a number of the progressive action items for helping blacks are actually harming them.

Kevin McGary:

Kevin McGary Examples of Actual Systemic Racism
Kevin points out the systemic racism inherent in the abortion industry and in the refusal to allow educational choice in urban schools.

Barack Obama:

Barack Obama Barack Obama's Father's Day Speech at a black church during his first presidential campaign (2008) emphasizes the need for strong families and strong fathers, particularly in the African American community. He talks about the dire consequences when fathers are not home, and calls for African American fathers to take responsibility for themselves and for those they love. The religious black community has quite conservative views on family. Would the president give a similar speech 14 years later?